Our Aikido Kid’s Classes would all give you the same answer if asked “What’s your Number #1 Job on the Mat?” They’d say, “To take care of each other and keep everyone safe, including ourselves.”
This is our future generation they are experiencing life as the people they will be in the future. We have to give them the tools that we wished we had. I tell my own kid’s, “You are practicing who you are going to be for the rest of your life, right now… is that the choice that you want to make?” I look at myself under the same lens. I make mistakes, I get scared, I have ptsd and anxiety that still gets me, I have coping mechanisms, I have extreme fears, especially over this past week. This is why I have to keep training But the time to bounce back out of the triggered feeling doesn’t take as long, because of the tools we practice. THAT IS TAKING UKEMI, even within our own hearts and minds. It’s the inside and outside work. We have to practice how we want to show up. If you are able to, make some time just to practice- practicing.
I believe that the majority of the world IS trying to come together as a global community to save each other. Because there is hope if we can get out of our individualistic mindsets and be there for each other, even if that means staying at home right now. So I want to say thank you, thank you for considering my family as you consider your own. I will be posting more Movement Arts videos and they are them same things I teach in Aikido Kid’s classes. (Honestly, most Adults Aikido classes too.)
The main concept of both is to REMIND YOU THAT MATTER TOO! That being able to get back up after you fall down is a life skill. Taking up more space so that you can be a special part of your world is part of Aikido and learning extend your heart into everything that you do! This is for everyone. This can be done at home at any time. I have do move my body to stay grounded and centered too. So let’s do it together. I’ll post the videos to this website, Youtube, Online Classes (click the link above), Instagram, and Facebook under Stochastic Industries or Movement Arts by Stochastic Industries. I will also be hosting some Aikido classes on the Aikido Center of Atlanta dojo Pages as well! The Aikido Classes will be very relative to Movement Arts and beginner friendly stuff you can do at home. make some time to move. Moving from Fear to Courage starts with each one of us doing our part for the greater good.
Love you,