Holistic Bodywork: Integrative Massage Therapy at Sola Salons in Arcadia Shores Commons

Accepting new clients, referrals welcomed and appreciated. Request your session at holisticbodywork.glossgenius.com.

I want clients to feel safe and encouraged to let themselves move through whatever has been bothering them, to help provide them with a chance to learn to communicate with themselves, mind and body, with me holding the space for them. Neuromuscular Massage and Myofascial Release Therapies are developed to enhance a clients experience of relief by getting the connective tissue and brain to link up. This is not a passive therapy to just feel like the massage therapist is doing a random routine. I want to encourage a curiosity of "what happens if I choose to let go?" and provide support for the client as they go on that journey in a state of seeing what is possible through feeling safe. My experience of being a Massage Therapist has been mixed with my training as an Aikido practitioner/teacher and Yogi. Helping to traverse the variables of internal conflict to see how it manifests in each client. Being a person who has my own physical challenges and struggles has informed me how to better handle helping others. Seeing the conflicts as lessons and being a student of them. Wishing you time to heal, to learn, to grow, and transform. We can brave the journey together.